Photographing mothers is one of the most important parts of my job.

      It’s a life changing moment, becoming a mother. It’s a task in life that inevitably changes you, molds you, and often defines you. It’s a time in your life that drags and yet flies by.

      And because of this speeding time, it’s important to have this moment photographed. So that one day her children will know that those wrinkles by her eyes- they are there because you made her laugh. And those hands that you hold now- they were always reaching out for you, holding you, wiping away your tears. And that heart that you know and love, that heart has been experienced every emotion under the sun and grown stronger because of it. I want her children to remember how it felt when she brushed their hair back from their eyes, to remember the joy they felt as she twirled them in the air, to remember the safety of her arms as she cuddled them close.

      That is the intention behind my imagery- to capture the depth of love a mother has for her children.

      Today I am so happy to share with you a session I’ve held close for quite some time. It was first featured over on The Motherhood Anthology and now I’m happy to share a few more of my favorites. Teresa’s maternity session was simple, with minimal posing, just natural moments captured as they interacted together. As a result, we were able to create images that show their connection and excitement to meet their new baby.




      Gorgeous !!!