I have been thinking and praying so much for the people in Japan- and also for all those affected by the earthquake and the tsunami that followed. Even as I go on to live my daily life, making breakfast, cleaning the kitchen, going to ballet, putting the kids to bed…another mother is searching for her child, her home is destroyed, she needs medical attention, she has lost all her material possessions. I cannot imagine, I simply cannot fathom what she might be feeling in the wake of this devastation! And there are so many. So many people who need help to rebuild their lives. But what can we do?

      Niagara Newborn Photographer

      In their quest to find a way to help, Lydia from Ever Ours and the team from Utterly Engaged created For Japan with Love. There you can find a direct link to donate to ShelterBox. ShelterBox was one of THE first organizations asked by Japan to help and were on hand on the Saturday after the quake.  Each large, green ShelterBox is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, a basic tool kit, a childrens activity pack and other vital items.

      As well as the fund raising efforts, they are also holding Friday, March 18th, as a day of silence for bloggers. Anyone that has a blog can help out with this one. The aim is just raise awareness and respect and acknowledge the devastation going on in Japan.

      If you would like to donate, please visit For Japan with Love and donate directly from that site. Every little bit helps. Already they have reached 86% of their goal of 5 ShelterBox’s! We can help them do even better!

      And please, most importantly, remember these people in your prayers!


      It is truly a sad time for all affected by such a terrible tragedy. My heart goes out to them. 🙁

      What a great post for Japan. I pray for them daily!

      What a great thing to do! They are in my prayers – I’m still trying to locate my host family 🙁

      oh Breeze, I’ll be keeping you and them in my prayers! I hope you can get ahold of them soon!

      That is was such a tragedy for Japan. So scary to know that something like that could happen!

      prayers go out to the people of Japan.